Monday 19 November 2007

Lord Pearson of Rannoch asked a question related to the EU - which prompted two responses. Lord Tomlinson wondered whether "the reason why we have such repetitive returning to the same question by the noble Lord, Lord Pearson of Rannoch, is that he clearly has an incapacity to understand complicated answers such as that given to him by my noble friend?". Lord Davies of Oldham's response was "I am grateful to my noble friend, but I do not think that he pays due regard, as I do, to the tenacity of the noble Lord, Lord Pearson of Rannoch, who obliges us from time to time to identify accurately the very real benefits of European Union membership." Lord Pearson is a UKIP Peer.

Other questions dealt with modern languages in schools; warships and the number of regulatory reform orders. The answer to how many of the latter had been made was none - they have been replaced by legislative reform orders!

A further 4 committee membership motions were agreed to, before the debate on the second reading of the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Bill began at 3.08pm. The second reading was moved by Lord Darzi - who was to play a key role at the end of proceedings. The debate had been expected to last until 10pm or later - but within a minute of sitting down after delivering his speech, Lord Brennan collapsed and Lord Darzi administered heart massage while other members and officials came to his aid. The sitting was immediately adjourned and an hour later Lord Grocott announced that the House would adjourn for the day and the debate resumed on Wednesday. The news from St Thomas' Hospital was encouraging and Lord Brennan was reported to be much better.

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