Thursday, 22 November 2007

Proceedings began with a message from the Queen, signed by her own hand, saying “I have received with great satisfaction the dutiful and loyal expression of your thanks for the Speech with which I opened the present Session of Parliament”.

The first question concerned the EU Reform Treaty and its relationship to the Constitutional Treaty of 2004. Other questions covered plans for an American missile defence system; Mobile phone charges; and the effects of global climate change on Bangladesh.

A private members bill was introduced and given its first reading which would make provision for the labelling of alcoholic beverages; and for connected purposes.

The main business of the day was a debate on the armed services, which saw a concerted attack on the Government by former military chiefs - Admiral Lord Boyce; Lord Craig of Radley; Field Marshal Lord Bramall; General Lord Guthrie; and Field Marshal Lord Inge- all former Chiefs of the Defence Staff all spoke. Baroness Taylor responded on behalf of the Government and the debate was wound up by Baroness Park of Monmouth who had initiated the debate.

Two of pieces of delegated legislation were considered, under the form of motions to annul, though both motions were withdrawn, an opportunity having been had to discuss them. Other motions to annul were not moved. The House adjourned at 5.25pm.

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